How we got here, and Todays monumental social media launch!

by Steven D


Today is a momentous day for us at Tailmate Treasures (me and Bailey) —we're finally launching our social media channels! From day 0 to hopefully a thriving community, we're excited to take you along on this new chapter in our journey. We believe that social media is a powerful tool for not only business growth but also for fostering meaningful relationships with our customers. So let's dive into how we got here and what's next.

Preparing the Groundwork

Launching our online store on Shopify in mid-September was only the first step. Although we started by advertising on TikTok to test the waters, it became clear that we were investing more than we were gaining. We took this as a learning opportunity, and on September 27th, we purchased our domain to move one step closer to building our vision.

Building the Brand

Improving the store layout and aligning it with our vision was the next vital step. We wanted to create an identity that speaks volumes about what we stand for and the quality we promise. After a few iterations and a lot of hard work, we are proud of what we have built.

Sourcing Quality Products

Before we could launch our community fully with a strong social media presence, we needed to have a compelling product lineup. We spent weeks identifying and sourcing quality products that we truly believe in, and we're excited to showcase them to you! and if they don't meet your expectations, let us know so we can ensure your standards are met.

Today's the Day: Social Media Launch

We are beyond thrilled to announce that today we are going live on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. We are starting from scratch—with zero followers—but we believe in the power of community. We envision a space where we can interact, share, and learn about our favourite pets.

What to Expect?

Expect quality content that adds value to your life, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks, funny pet videos, introducing our community furry friends, interactive Q&A sessions, and much more. We're committed to making our community a welcoming and enriching space for everyone.


This social media launch marks a significant milestone in our journey. We hope you'll join us in building our community. Follow us today to be a part of this exciting venture!

Regards Stevey & Bailey

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