50 Ways Your Dog Show Their Love For You | What’s your score out of 50?

by Steven D

Dogs have an extraordinary ability to express their affection for their human companions in many ways. From the wag of their tail to their playful antics, their love shines through in every gesture. If you've ever wondered how your furry friend demonstrates their adoration, here are 50 ways dogs show they love you:

  1. Tail Wagging: The classic sign of a happy dog, a wagging tail is a surefire indication of their love and excitement upon seeing you.
  2. Licking: Dogs show affection through gentle licking, a behaviour that mimics the nurturing actions of their mother.
  3. Cuddling: Curling up next to you or laying their head in your lap is a clear sign that your dog feels safe and secure in your presence.
  4. Bringing You Toys: Presenting you with their favourite toys is your dog's way of inviting you to play and bond with them.
  5. Following You Around: Dogs often shadow their owners, showing their loyalty and desire to be near you at all times.
  6. Greeting Rituals: Jumping, spinning, and wiggling with joy when you come home demonstrates your dog's happiness at your return.
  7. Leaning On You: Resting their body against you is a sign of trust and affection, as your dog seeks comfort and closeness.
  8. Sleeping Near You: Choosing to sleep in the same room or on the same bed as you reinforces the bond between you and your furry friend.
  9. Nudging You: Lightly nudging you with their nose is your dog's way of seeking attention and showing affection.
  10. Making Eye Contact: Maintaining eye contact with you is a sign of trust and affection, as dogs often gaze lovingly into their owner's eyes.
  11. Smiling: Dogs can express happiness and love through their facial expressions, including a relaxed, open-mouthed "smile."
  12. Yawning: A contagious behaviour, yawning in response to your yawn is your dog's way of empathizing and showing solidarity.
  13. Sitting on Your Feet: Your dog may sit or lay on your feet as a way to bond and seek warmth and security from your presence.
  14. Offering Belly Rubs: Rolling over and exposing their belly is a vulnerable gesture that demonstrates trust and affection. golden retriever rolling on his belly
  15. Whining: While excessive whining can indicate distress, soft whimpers and whines can be your dog's way of seeking comfort and reassurance.
  16. Bringing You Gifts: Whether it's a stick from the yard or a leaf they found, offering you "gifts" is your dog's way of showing affection and sharing their world with you.
  17. Lifting Their Eyebrows: Raising their eyebrows in response to your voice or presence is a sign of recognition and affection.
  18. Snuggling Under Blankets: Crawling under blankets with you is your dog's way of seeking warmth and closeness while also providing comfort.
  19. Sighing Contentedly: A deep, contented sigh is your dog's way of expressing relaxation and satisfaction in your company.
  20. Mirroring Your Actions: Dogs often mimic their owner's behaviour as a way to bond and show their connection.
  21. Sitting on Your Lap: Climbing onto your lap is a clear indication that your dog sees you as a source of comfort and security.
  22. Resting Their Head on You: Whether it's on your lap or shoulder, resting their head on you is a sign of trust and affection.golden retriever resting their head on a someone's leg
  23. Play Biting: Gentle nibbling during playtime is your dog's way of expressing excitement and affection.
  24. Hugging: Some dogs naturally lean into their owners or wrap their paws around them in a hug-like gesture to show affection.
  25. Sneezing Around You: Dogs may sneeze when they're excited or happy, so sneezing in your presence can be a sign of their love and joy. I didn’t believe this either but it’s true!
  26. Staring Adoringly: Locking eyes with you with a soft, adoring gaze is your dog's way of showing their love and admiration.
  27. Protecting You: Dogs have a natural instinct to protect their loved ones, so if your dog positions themselves between you and perceived threats, it's a sign of their devotion.
  28. Snuggling Close: Burrowing into your side or laying their head on your chest is your dog's way of seeking physical closeness and affection.
  29. Playing Fetch: Engaging in interactive games like fetch is not only fun for your dog but also a way to strengthen your bond and show their love.
  30. Responding to Your Emotions: Dogs are incredibly empathetic creatures and will often comfort you when you're feeling sad or distressed, whether it's through gentle nudges or simply sitting quietly by your side.
  31. Howling When You Leave: While it may seem like your dog is upset when they howl as you leave, it's actually their way of expressing their distress at being separated from you, a clear sign of their attachment.
  32. Sitting at Your Feet: Whether you're working, cooking, or watching TV, your dog may choose to sit or lay at your feet, simply enjoying your presence.
  33. Sniffing You: Dogs have an acute sense of smell and use it to familiarize themselves with your scent, a comforting and bonding experience for them.
  34. Wagging Their Entire Body: Sometimes, when your dog is especially excited or happy, they'll wag not just their tail but their entire body, a joyful expression of their love.
  35. Watching You Leave: Your dog may sit at the window or door, watching you leave with a sad expression, eagerly awaiting your return.
  36. Play Bows: Bowing down with their front end lowered and their hind end raised is an invitation to play, a sign of their love for spending time with you.
  37. Bringing You Their Food Bowl: While it may seem like an odd gesture, bringing you their food bowl is your dog's way of sharing and showing their appreciation for your care.
  38. Sitting by the Door: Your dog may wait patiently by the door for your return, a clear indication of their love and anticipation of your arrival.
  39. Following Your Routine: Dogs thrive on routine and may eagerly participate in your daily activities as a way to bond and show their affection.
  40. Excited Greetings: Jumping up, spinning in circles, and barking with excitement when you return home is your dog's way of expressing their love and happiness at seeing you again.
  41. Snuggling in Bed: Curling up next to you or laying their head on your pillow is your dog's way of seeking closeness and warmth during sleep.golden retriever cuddling someone in bed
  42. Resting Their Paw on You: Placing a paw on your arm or leg is your dog's way of seeking attention and connection, a subtle yet affectionate gesture.
  43. Responding to Your Voice: Your dog may tilt their head or perk up their ears when you speak to them, showing their attentiveness and love for your voice.
  44. Tail Wagging While Eating: If your dog wags their tail while eating, it's a sign that they're content and happy, associating mealtime with your presence and care.
  45. Joining You in the Bathroom: While it may seem strange, your dog's desire to be with you even in the bathroom is a testament to their love and loyalty.
  46. Grooming You: Licking your hands or face is your dog's way of grooming you, a behaviour that demonstrates their affection and desire to care for you.
  47. Sitting on Your Clothes: Your dog may choose to lay on your clothes or belongings, seeking comfort and security in your scent.
  48. Excited Tail Wags: The sight of your dog's tail wagging vigorously when you enter a room is a heartwarming display of their love and happiness at your presence.
  49. Napping Together: Sharing a nap with your dog is not only comforting but also strengthens the bond between you as you enjoy each other's company in peaceful slumber.
  50. Simply Being There: Ultimately, one of the most profound ways dogs show their love is by simply being there for you, through the ups and downs of life, offering unwavering loyalty, companionship, and unconditional love.

In conclusion, dogs have an incredible capacity for love and affection, which they demonstrate through a wide range of behaviours and gestures. Whether it's a wagging tail, a gentle lick, or simply sitting by your side, your furry friend's love for you shines through in every interaction. Cherish these moments and reciprocate their love, for the bond between a dog and their human is truly one of life's greatest treasures.

How many did your dog score? Let us know in the comments below or share on your socials with your answer.



  1. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/does-my-dog-love-me
  2. https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/dog/five-signs-your-dog-loves-you
  3. https://www.rover.com/uk/blog/does-my-dog-love-me/
  4. https://rawznaturalpetfood.com/does-my-dog-love-me/
  5. https://www.thesprucepets.com/ways-dogs-show-love-4160771
  6. https://www.trupanion.com/pet-blog/article/signs-your-dog-loves-you

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